Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday baptisms

Yesterday, 14 August 2011, I had the privilege of leading two teenage guys through the waters of baptism. The way these two boys are growing in their walk with the Lord is amazing.

Lisa and I continue to pray that the other teenagers would commit their lives to Christ. Please pray for them as well as Brave and Blessed as they have declared publicly their faith in Christ.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to the Basics

We are about to go back and start our youth group meetings again. Lisa and I have thought and prayed about it, and have decided to go back to the basics of the Bible. There are a lot of misconceptions due to poor interpretation, and we are facing a generation where the Bible is not taught in the home anymore and that attending Sunday School is not a big priority. So we are going to be working through teaching the Bible in a Chronological fashion, but we will include small group discussions, which is something the teenagers enjoy.

Please pray for us as we work through the Bible from the beginning and work to teaching the basics to the youth. And pray for those who are mature Christians and have a better understanding of the Bible, pray that they will be leaders amongst the teens.